Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wordless Wednesday ~


  1. You are absolutely adorable, the little chicken too. I love your hen house & the fact that you built it yourself from reclaimed materials. Chickens & fresh eggs are on my to do list. Do you have a post on this project? I tried to look it up but couldn't find one. Blessings, Carrie

    1. Hi, Carrie ~ I don't have a post on the chicken coop. The pictures I do have didn't turn out well at all. I will be building a second coop pretty soon, as we have added to the flock by five more. They are almost three months old. Maybe I'll get better pictures of the second coop for the new girls. :) Having chickens is very easy, fun and rewarding. The only downfall is having to find someone to chicken-sit should one go out of town. :)

      Thanks for your comment. Your blog and pictures are so lovely ~~
